I have been pretty into technology since my parents got me my first computer when I was about 8. It was an old IBM with DOS as its operating system. The good ol days. In school, we practiced on Apple 2e's, playing countless hours of Oregon Trail. When I was around 13, this new thing called the internet started to appear, and I remember tying up my parents phone lines for hours as my friends and I went through countless of those 100 hour free AOL cd's. Later on in high school, we started realizing the possibilities of the internet, with things like email, IM, Napster, and countless other time wasting delights. Today the internet make my life a lot easier. I can speak to my wife face to face, even though she is 6000 miles away. While in Sweden, I could still watch live the Lakers beat the Celtics in game 7. I have also seen how dependent I am on technology through traveling to places where they are years behind, technologically speaking. One could imagine my frustration waiting 20 minutes for a page to load at my office in Zambia while I am just trying to check my email. I think about this every time I hear someone complaining that their iphone is taking five seconds longer then it should to download an entire album. We are pretty lucky to live where we do.
After reading the mission statement, the part that interested me the most was the emphasis on educational equity. I believe that it is vital that every kid, no matter their socio economic background, has the same opportunities as any other kid. This is why I am a big believer in the public school system, and one of the reasons why I decided to pursue my teaching credential. I have been to too many countries where only kids with money were able to succeed in school, and I hope that the US does not eventually travel down that path.
yo wassup bruh
ReplyDeleteayy lmao
ReplyDeletewhats good Lord Isen!!!
ReplyDeletehe has two adopted kids
ReplyDelete31, married, and on my way to my teaching credential. Just along for the ride.