1. Lazy mornings with my wife.
2. Playing with my nieces and nephews.
3. Shooting baskets.
4. Eating out with my parents.
5. Dogs
6. Thai school children's greeting to teachers.
7. Chicken Softy's from Del Taco.
8. Hanging with my friends.
9. Laker victories.
10. Good stand up comedy.
11. Motorcycle riding in Cambodia.
12. A good burger.
13. A great concert.
14. Making new friends.
15. Drinking snaps with my in-laws.
16. Kenken puzzles.
17. Bob Dylan
18. Skype calls with Karin.
19. Watching Naomi play soccer.
20. The beach.
21. Watching and mocking the Eurovision Song contest.
22. My grandpa's pancakes.
23. Beating friends at one-on-one.
24. Teaching kids something new.
25. Finishing my Swedish class.
26. Going to the movies.
27. Eating popcorn.
28. Watching UCLA football and basketball with my dad.
29. Shopping with my mom.
30. Good guacamole.
31. American Chinese food.
32. Playing basketball with my nephews.
33. The White Stripes.
34. Playing guitar.
35. Exploring new places with Karin.
36. Midsummer in Sweden.
37. Zambian weddings.
38. The Big Lebowski.
39. Completing a big assignment.
40. Yelling domino.
41. London nightlife.
42. Tuesday nights at the Maple Leaf.
43. Kotija Jr.
44. My school in Thailand, Ban Ta Din Daeng.
45. Comfy sofas.
46. Family brunches.
47. My sisters.
48. The French Quarter back streets.
49. Funny podcasts.
50. My computer.
51. Looking at old pictures.
52. Talking about when I first met my wife.
53. The World Cup.
54. Fresh fruit.
55. Bottle Beach.
56. These kids to the left.
57. Good Thai food.
58. Driving on open roads.
59. Weddings.
60. Vacation.
61. The occasional video game battle with friends.
62. Taking my niece out driving.
63. Discovering new music.
64. Cool museums.
65. Beating Karin at board games.
66. Making a good dinner for friends.
67. The Cowboys on Thanksgiving.
68. Getting and giving presents.
69. Pulp Fiction.
70. Karin's mormor's meatballs.
71. Weekends, now that I'm not bar-tending anymore.
72. Complaining about the weather in Sweden.
73. Tom Petty concerts.
74. Ben and Jerry's half baked.
75. Being 75% done with this list.
76. Fraggle Rock.
77. Fletch.
78. Reminiscing on college.
79. Barbecues.
80. Living in the tropics.
81. Isla Vista.
82. Tuk Tuks.
83. Elephants playing harmonicas.
84. Playing with Bailey.
85. Sleeping.
86. Mad Men.
87. Girls (the show)
88.The return of Breaking Bad.
89. Archer.
90. Old Seinfeld reruns.
91. FInding an apartment.
92. Clean laundry.
93. Steve Nash is on the Lakers.
94. Chips and dip.
95. Trivia games.
96. The Tate Modern.
97. Curb Your Enthusiasm.
98. Sledding in the snow.
99. In'N Out
100. Laughing with Karin